With effect from 30 April 2023, the Canadian government stated that it will ease the criteria for work experience for foreign nationals working as caretakers. After a year, carers will be allowed to apply for permanent residency. In the past, carers had to have worked lawfully in Canada for a minimum of 24 months. This was announced by the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, members of Parliament Salma Zahid and Rechie Valdez
The Home Support Worker and Home Child Care Provider Pilots, which were both initiated in 2019, are expected to last for five years. These pilot programs give qualified caregivers an option to obtain permanent residency by allowing them to immigrate to Canada with a job offer and work visa.
It is anticipated that the new approach would make it simpler for caregivers to immigrate to Canada and get permanent residency. The Canadian government has taken this action in an effort to ensure that carers are treated fairly and have access to the help they need to thrive in Canada. The government has acknowledged the significant contributions that caregivers make to Canadian families and communities.
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