Ireland Introduces Changes To Its Employment Permit System And Increased Salaries Among Others

Employment Permit System And Increased Salaries

Several changes have been made by the Irish government to its immigration law and an expansion to its employment permit systems. Ireland over a decade has been a

The preferred Employment Permit category for Non-European Economic Area (EEA) Nationals which is the Critical Skills Occupation Permit allows willing individuals to seek employment in Ireland. The government has added quite a number of occupations to the critical skills list paving a broader opportunity for individuals interested in starting a career in Ireland.

The list is set out in Schedule 3 of the Regulation and is effective from 20 December 2023. Click here for the list.

Increased Salaries

The minimum salary requirement for General Employment Permits (GEPs) will increase to EUR 34,000, up from EUR 30,000 which will be effective from the 17th of January 2024. Employers are mandated to ensure that this salary threshold is upheld. Furthermore, the salary threshold exemption for graduate positions and language skills specialists will be canceled.

With effect from January 17th, 2024, the minimum salary requirement for CSEPs has been increased from EUR 32,000 to EUR 38,000 for candidates requiring a relevant degree.

Those individuals who are exempted from the relevant degree requirement will have their minimum salary requirement remain at EUR 64,000.

The salary requirement for the Intra-Company Transfer Employment Permit will increase from EUR 30,000 to EUR 34,000 for trainee transferees. For all other transferee categories, the salary threshold will increase from EUR 40,000 to EUR 46,000.

Ireland is facing a high demand for Employment Permits to fill labor shortages due to very low unemployment rates among the local population. Some categories of Employment Permits have not seen a change to the minimum salary thresholds in almost a decade, which is why the Irish government has detected that this lack of change had not kept pace with inflation or economic growth thereby prompting these necessary changes.

For information about these changes and their effect on you, please contact us for a free consultation.

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